
Save by buying the bundled versions

  • Bingo Creator, Crossword Creator, Puzzle Maker, Flat Pack, PowerPack, Product Description Editor Pro, TPT Store Linker, Wordsearch Creator in one bundle

    8-in-1 Bundle


    Bingo Creator, Crossword Creator, Puzzle Maker, Flat Pack, PowerPack, Product Description Editor Pro, TPT Store Linker, Wordsearch Creator in one bundle

  • Puzzle Bundle includes: Bingo Creator, Crossword Creator, Puzzle Maker, Wordsearch Creator

    4-in-1 Puzzle Bundle


    Puzzle Bundle includes: Bingo Creator, Crossword Creator, Puzzle Maker, Wordsearch Creator


Tools to make creating products quicker and easier

Free Products

These products you can use at no cost

  • Generate related product links for your descriptions

    Related Links Generator


    Generate related product links for your descriptions

  • Get an overview of all your products on TPT. Which ones have a file preview, what are all the URls etc. You can sort, filter and export them to Excel

    TPT Product Overview


    Get an overview of all your products on TPT. Which ones have a file preview, what are all the URls etc. You can sort, filter and export them to Excel